Evidence-based care is our standard.
This assures the prosperity of the next seven generations of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. We do this by working together to help each member achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
Tribal Option performance measures.
EBCI Tribal Option will initially focus on three quality measures that will be reported quarterly to NCDHHS:
- Diabetes – A1c Control <9
- Hypertension – Controlling Blood Pressure – Both a representative systolic BP <140 mm Hg and a representative diastolic BP of <90 mm Hg.
- Childhood Immunizations – Child receives all recommended immunizations for 19–35 months of age.
EBCI Tribal Option will initially focus on the following population health priorities: diabetes, hypertension, tobacco cessation, immunizations, and substance use.
EBCI Tribal Option 2024 Provider Survey Summary of Results:
- 100% were satisfied with the EBCI Tribal Option.
- 91% were pleased with the Provider Network Manager’s ability to answer questions.
- 100%, who attempted to reach the Call Center, were satisfied with his/her ease to reach the Call Center.
- 100% reported they were satisfied with the facilitation/support of clinical care for patients.
- 100% were pleased with preventive care and wellness.
- 100% reported they had access to Care Managers
.*Average Item Response Rate (RRI) 80%
EBCI Tribal Option Information
Tribal Option wants to keep our Providers informed.
Tribal Option will be establishing a Provider Council to receive feedback, connect with our providers, and provide Tribal Option updates. If you are a provider and would like to join the Provider Council, let us know by sending an email to Provider Services. Additionally, Providers can reach our Provider Services team by calling 800.260.9992.
When the EBCI Tribal Option has additional updates for Providers, we will post them here or in the News section of the site.
Provider Resources
QuitlineNC eReferral Portal Guide
Program Specific Clinical Coverage Policies | NC Medicaid (ncdhhs.gov)
Medicaid Quality of Care Resources
Section 805 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act
Rural Health Clinic Vaccine Confidence (RHCVC) Program Grant Awards
Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Rural Health Clinic Vaccine Confidence (RHCVC) Program