ᎢᏣᏓᏂᎸᏍᏗ! (Welcome!)
The EBCI Tribal Option is an Indian Managed Care Entity (IMCE). We have contracted with NCDHHS to participate in North Carolina Medicaid. That allows us to provide managed care for federally recognized Tribal members and other individuals eligible to receive Indian Health Services.
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Where members find complete health coverage and healthcare service coordination.
“As a Tribal Organization, Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority (CIHA) is committed to improving the health of the American Indian/Alaskan Native population by eliminating barriers to care and developing trusting relationships with our patients,” said Casey Cooper, Chief Executive Officer, CIHA. “With the support of the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, we will reduce health disparities while exercising our tribal sovereignty and self-determination.”
EBCI Tribal Option, like all of CIHA, is founded on principles such as U wa shv u da nv te lv (“the one who gives from their heart”) and Di qwa ste li I yu n(i) s di (“like my own family to me”). By leveraging the strength of the Tribal community and regional partners, eligible Tribal members can maximize their Medicaid health benefits—all within a fully integrated health system that’s culturally sensitive and provides the highest levels of care.
Medicaid beneficiaries: Be sure to read all mail from your local DSS office. If your address, household size or income has changed, call or visit your local DSS office to report changes so you don’t miss important Medicaid information