With EBCI Tribal Option, you get your very own
Care Manager.
Managing your healthcare alone can be hard, especially when your health is suffering. If you need extra support, becoming a member of EBCI Tribal Option can help. You’ll be assigned your very own Care Manager, whose job is to help coordinate your healthcare services.
Your Care Manager is a specially trained health professional who works with you, your doctors, other providers, and agencies to make sure you get the right care and support when and where you need it most.
EBCI Tribal Option embraces holistic healthcare.

In some healthcare models, only you and your health issue would be considered and treated. But a more comprehensive approach considers where you live and socialize, and where you learn, work, and play. It considers your entire life, holistically. Care Management from EBCI Tribal Option is committed to providing support and individualized care for members through the Care Coordination Program. It recognizes that a person’s overall well-being is dependent upon much more than just health.
We partner with a group of healthcare providers (doctors, therapists, specialists, hospitals, home care providers, and other community partners) to meet your needs. When you join EBCI Tribal Option, we’re here to support you. Most of the time, your main contact will be your Primary Care Provider (PCP). If you need to have a test, see a specialist, or go to the hospital, your PCP can help arrange it. Your PCP is available to you day and night. Even though your PCP is your main source of healthcare, in some cases you can go to certain doctors for some services without checking with your PCP.